

James Madison University News

By: Melissa Mowery

Student researcher puts spotlight on sleep deprivation issue. After staying up late to study for finals last year, senior psychology major Caroline Cooke needed a nap.


JMU Nap Nook Gives Students a Place to Catch Some Shut-Eye

By: Emily Sharrer

James Madison University students are catching some ZZZs during the school day at a new Nap Nook, where a place to rest your head is available by reservation.

Reviving the Sleep Deprived, One Nap at a Time

By: Sydney Palese

Students who once curled up on couches or snoozed sitting upright hoping to find a quick nap in between classes now have a place where their napping ambitions are embraced and encouraged.



James Madison University – Student Life

By: Maggie Roth

Between running around to different club meetings on campus, to finishing a paper last minute, and trying to squeeze in dinner, sleep is usually a college student’s last priority.


By: Elizabeth Dsurney

Students or faculty can reserve bean bags online or as walk-ins. There are five bean bags people can use to take 40-minute naps.



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